Débora Notenson
Su trabajo, sobre una base pop con un fuerte contenido crítico que unifica el conjunto de su obra, oscila entre cierto expresionismo y una imagen más simbólica que permite al espectador concentrarse en el mensaje que subyace bajo una apariencia de gráfica simplicidad. Es una observadora irónica de la sociedad, en temas que van desde la familia, la felicidad y los roles de género hasta la propaganda política.
Principales exposiciones en España, USA, Italia y Holanda.
Her work, on a pop base with a strong critical content that unifies the whole of her art, oscillates between a certain expressionism and a more symbolic image that allows the viewer to concentrate on the underlying message under an appearance of graphic simplicity. She is an ironic observer of society, on issues ranging from family, happiness, and gender roles to political propaganda.
Main exhibitions in Spain, USA, Italy and Holland
Principales exposiciones en España, USA, Italia y Holanda.
Her work, on a pop base with a strong critical content that unifies the whole of her art, oscillates between a certain expressionism and a more symbolic image that allows the viewer to concentrate on the underlying message under an appearance of graphic simplicity. She is an ironic observer of society, on issues ranging from family, happiness, and gender roles to political propaganda.
Main exhibitions in Spain, USA, Italy and Holland